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20 short stories - chosen extracts

Between 2018 and 2019, I went to a scriptwriting seminar in Tokyo. During this training I wrote in Japanese 20 short movie scripts of about 10 minutes. Here are two extracts with an aesthetic attempt photomontage.

Perfect Human.jpg

Perfect Human : Akemi has the perfect dauhgter-in-law. Too perfect to be true. She must be a robot.


外国に行くこと (Going abroad): Eimi is a single mother. She lied to her daugther about her father, whom she hasn't met for years. But Eimi desesperatly needs money, and he seems to be her last chance, even though it means introducing her daughter to him.

All the scripts

1.サイン (Sign)

2.時間計り、人生焼き尽くし (Counting seconds, burning life)

3.ニニキリン (Nini Kirin)

4.ペイル・ブルー・ドット (Pale Blue Dot)

5.破片 (Fragments)

6.民宿 (Homestay)

7.ランニング心 (Running Heart)

8.鳥がなくほど (A bird's cry)

9.ル・ラック (The lake)

10.白い (White)

11.駒の音 (The sound of Shôgi)

12.島女 (Island women)

13.パーフェクトヒューマン (Perfect Human)

14.愛のサイクル (Love cycle)

15.コンクリート・ムーン (Concrete Moon)

16.犬の名前 (The dog's name)

17.最後の夏休み (Last summer vacation)

18.愛の証拠 (Love proof)

19.外国に行くこと (Going abroad)

20.お茶の花 (Tea flower)

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